Minutes 24th May 2018

Minutes 24th May 2018

THURSDAY 24th MAY 2018

Present: Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker, Peter Edwards, Rich Richardson, Helen Thompson, Mags Bryson
Steve Duncan, Danika o’Connor-Walton

Apologies:       Danny Leech, Pauline Eastham, Elliot Collins, Sophie Whittaker


The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.


The minutes of the meeting of 19th April 2018 were approved .


An update was provided by CFFC and the funds held to date by CFFC are £29,581.   The underspend for 2016/2017 of £21,639.47 has been returned to Local Trust.

Steve mentioned that CFFC have been receiving a lot of applications and have not been able to fulfil some of these.  It was suggested that if any of the applications were from Rastrick and fit within the RBL criteria for small funding then perhaps these could be passed  to RBL.

Steve mentioned that the Community Spirit awards event is on 27th September.  Nominations for projects are being accepted after 25th June.

In relation to Community projects Mags mentioned that McDonalds are willing to offer support in tidy up projects. Action:  Mags to send details of contact to CFFC


At the meeting in April it was agreed that we would spend some time discussing the plan assessment and how we were going to go forward in 2018/2019.  However, due to a number of members being unable to attend the meeting it was agreed to postpone this until the next meeting in July.

The Big Local Connects event is on 29th and 30th June 2018 and Angela and Pauline will be attending this to represent Rastrick Big Local.

Local Trust have sent a survey to partnership members with the closing date being in August.  Paper copies are available from Angela. Action:  Angela to circulate link for survey from Local Trust


(a)    Voice your Choice

CFFC have filed an application to drawdown £90.000 being £25,000 for Rastrick Juniors Football Club and £65,000 for the Friends of Rastrick Library.

The total votes cast for Voice your Choice 2018 is 831.  The project receiving the most votes is Bradley Woods Scout Camp requesting £59,500.  Rastrick Plays Better, being the second most popular project, will receive the remaining £5,500.  It was agreed that the results should be publicly announced on facebook and the website on 1st June 2018.  Action:  Website and Facebook to be updated with results on 1st June 2018.

(b)     Community Small Grants

An outstanding application in relation to the pump track has been withdrawn as the applicant has decided not to pursue this further.

RBL did not receive the £5,000 contribution from CFFC for 2016/2017 due to a misunderstanding and as this has been allocated to other projects by CFFC then RBL will not pursue this further.  Confirmation is still awaited regarding the contribution for 2017/2018.  Action:  Steve will make enquiries about the 2017/2018 funding.

The small grant application form has now been amended to incorporate a privacy notice in line with GDPR requirements.

(c)    Marketing:

A considerable amount of work has been undertaken to contact all members of the Community via Mailchimp who have previously given their email address so as to comply with the GDPR and to date around 130 people have signed up to RBL.  Action:  Danika to re-send email to Community who have not opened the email.

A discussion also took place about the need to keep information supplied to RBL confidential.  Two options were discussed, the first being to purchase two laptops for use by Danny and Angela and  the second being to enlist the use of an outside company to hold on a secure server. It was agreed to go with the second option and enlist the services of 2plus1 services who host the website.  Further details on this are awaited. It was also decided that it would be in the best interests of RBL to register with the ICO.  Action:  Danny and Angela to meet with 2plus1 to discuss this.

Engagement:    RBL attended the Spring market at Brighouse on 29th April which was a successful day as extra votes were gained for VYC.   We also had a presence at the Field Lane funday on 5th May which again gave us the opportunity to highlight the Voice your Choice projects for this year and to generally interact with the Community.

(d)    Treasurers Report

The balance at the meeting on 19th April 2018 was £1102.41.  After charges relating to the website and bank charges the balance at 24th May 2018 is £913.71.

The audit of the Rastrick Big Local is currently being undertaken.  A member of the Community has also assisted with a website problem and it was agreed to give a one-off payment of £20 for his services.


An independent assessor has been located who will be willing to review the Space@Field Lane application.  A meeting of the sub-committee is to be arranged to discuss this in more detail. In the meantime Mags will update Space about the unforeseen delay.  Action:  Meeting of sub-committee to be arranged.


(a)    Due to a number of members being unable to attend the meeting it was decided to postpone the plan review assessment until the meeting in July.

(b)    As the national living wage has been raised it was agreed to increase Angela’s hourly rate to be in line with this and other Big Local groups.


The date of the next meeting is 12th July 2018.

CLOSE 8.00 pm


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