Minutes 19th April 2018

Minutes 19th April 2018



Amanda Caldwell , Angela Peaker , Peter Edwards, Rich Richardson, Helen Thompson , Paulne Eastham
Mags Bryson ,  Elliot Collins,  Sophie Whittaker

Apologies:          Danny Leech, Robert Hustwick


The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.


The minutes of the meeting of 7th March 2018 were approved.


A financial update was provided as CFFC were unable to attend the meeting.  The period of 2016-2017 is now closed and CFFC will return the underspend of £21,639.47.  For the period 2017/2018 CFFC currently hold £50,325.


Helen reminded the partnership that the 9 question plan review will need to be completed by 1st October.   It was agreed that we should schedule a 1 hour slot at the next meeting to discuss points relevant to this, ie how we are engaging, achievements, evaluation etc.
Action:  Elliot will speak with Together Housing re resident involvement/Helen to put items together for discussion.

Local Trust has circulated an email for the first Big Local Connects to be held in London at the end of June.   Pauline, Amanda and Sophie were interested in this but Sophie had not received the email.  Action:  Angela to send email to Sophie


(a)          Voice your Choice

VYC1:  Rastrick Juniors Football Club:  We believe that works are to commence shortly on the Carr Green playing fields.

Rastrick Plays Better  is continuing to seek the opinion of the Community regarding the Burnsall Road play area.  Works will be put out to tender after the results of Voice your Choice for 2018.

Regarding Healey Wood Road, the goalposts are ordered and a delivery and replacement date is awaited.

VYC 3:  The Friends of Rastrick Library met with CMBC at the end of March and agreed a plan.  A brief will be drawn up which relates to the access improvements and any additional works such as to the landscaping will be looked at separately once the access works have been delivered for which a quote will be sought.

CMBC will tender for a scheme within the budget and they have asked for confirmation that the £65,000 funding from RBL is still available.  A representative attended the Ward Forum to talk about the library consultation and it is noted that confirmation was given at that meeting by an RBL representative that the funding was still available.

VYC 4: The forms for Voice your Choice 2018 are currently being printed.  These will be delivered during the week commencing Monday 23rd April with voting commencing on 23rd April until Sunday 13th May 2018.

(b)          Community Small Grants

A small grant was paid out for £125 to Rastrick Plays Better and another application has been received which has yet to be approved.   An application form is on the new website and we will now look at promoting the small grants fund further.   As a member on the small grant sub-committee has now left the partnership, Pauline agreed to join the Community Small grants sub-committee.

We are still awaiting clarification from CFFC about the £5K funding and how to proceed to access this for the period of 2017/2018.

(c)          Marketing:

The new website was launched on 22 March but was compromised the day after.  The site was taken down by the hosting company and the matter rectified and it is now running fine.

As the General Data Protection Regulation comes into force on 25th May it will be necessary to review the website to ensure that we are compliant and to contact the subscribers on the mailing list for VYC to ask for their permission to keep their data.  If permission is not forthcoming then the data we currently hold will need to be deleted.   Action:  VYC reminder to vote to be sent to email circulation list/email re GDPR


The stall has been confirmed at the Spring Market in Brighouse on30th April.  It was decided that we should take extra forms to promote Voice your Choice and have the map to interact with the public.  We will still have balloons, badges and sweets to give to the children.   It was also decided to do a postcard to give to people to see if they would be interested in finding our more about Rastrick Big Loca.  A rota comprising Amanda, Angela, Peter, Pauline and Sophie has been drawn up to man the stall.   Action:  Angela to do a postcard/Amanda to sort map

Space at Field Lane have organised a family fun day on Saturday 5th May and it was agreed that RBL would attend this to engage and take extra VYC forms and the map along.

(d)         Treasurers Report

The balance at the meeting on 7th March was £719.80.  During March a small grant was paid out of £125.00 plus bank charges of £5.00.  An underspend of monies paid to the account from CFFC of £487.39 was returned.  The audit period for this account is 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018 and the  balance at 31st March 2018 was £102.41.

In early April CFFC paid £1000 into the account for expenses for the period of 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2018.  The balance of the account is currently £1102.41.


A sub-meeting was arranged before the partnership meeting to discuss the application from Space@Field Lane.  However, due to unforeseen circumstances Danny was unable to attend the meeting so only a brief discussion took place.  Space@Field Lane have their Annual General  Meeting on 8th May and it was agreed that we should go back to them with a response before their AGM.


The date of the next meeting is 24th May 2018 at 6.00 pm at the Arncliffe Centre.

CLOSE 8.00 pm

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