Update from our Community meeting 2018

Update from our Community meeting 2018

It was a successful evening at our Community update meeting on 8th November 2018.  A big “thank you” to everyone who attended.

As this was also the Annual General Meeting, current members of the committee were re-elected.

The winners of this year’s Voice your Choice, Bradley Woods Scout & Campsite were congratulated and awarded a promotional cheque for the amount of £59,500.  Works are due to be started early next year.  As usual, they will be having their beer festival in the early part of the year and then hopefully in the summer – if you go down to the woods you’ll be sure of a big surprise!!

Bradley Woods Scout Camp



Below we’re presenting £5,500 to representatives of the Rastrick Plays Better group.  These volunteers are still continuing to seek funds to continue with their endeavours to improve the open green spaces around the area.  They have recently been awarded a commendation in the Community Spirit Awards from Calderdale Community Foundation for the work they have undertaken.

Rastrick Plays Better


Friends of Rastrick Library have been allocated £65,000 from Voice your Choice 2017.  They updated that planning permission has now been approved for work to commence early next year to provide the disabled and family friendly access to the library.   You can read the update from the Friends of Rastrick library here.

Friends of Rastrick Library


Finally, the Space@Field Lane members were thrilled to announce that they are in the process of looking at tenders they have received to renovate the Field Lane Community Centre which needs total refurbishment.  They have been working for many years to seek funds to re-open the centre and Rastrick Big Local has awarded £150,000 to the group towards the costs associated with this.  They are now liaising with the Community to see what they would like to see available at the centre.  Find out more information on the Space@Field Lane project here.

Space@Field Lane

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