Minutes 11th October 2018

Minutes 11th October 2018


Present:  Amanda Caldwell,  Angela Peaker, Peter Edwards, Rich Richardson,  Danny Leech, Sophie Whittaker, Helen Thompson, Pauline Eastham, Elliot Collins, Steve Duncan

Apologies:      Mags Bryson


The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.


The minutes of the meeting of 23rd August 2018 were approved.


The Creative Learning Guild and RBL submitted an expression of interest to be considered for the Creating Civic Change Programme.  The 1st round of applications is to be confirmed in late October 2018.

4.            LTO UPDATE

CFFC provided a financial update.  The total spend for the period of February 2018 to September 2018 is £12,810 and they currently hold £40.840.

We had previously agreed to ask CFFC to transfer the budget allocation for small grants to the Rastrick Big Local account to pay out.   However after discussing this again with Steve it was agreed that we would continue to forward requests to CFFC to pay out and if we did experience any problems Steve would look into this for us.

5.            BL REP UPDATE

An extension has been granted until 1 December 2018 in order to download the amended plan, the answers to the nine questions and the budget for 2018-2019.

Helen gave information out on two websites which may be of interest.  Big Local Grants will be shown on the website grantnav.threesixtygiving.org

Another website of interest which finds funders and checks eligibility is https://www.beehivegiving.org/

Helen also mentioned local history – designs on the past.  This is about four Big Local areas who are using history and heritage projects to build bridges between then and now.

There is an event in Manchester on Wednesday 14th November from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm at the Manchester Museum of Science and Technology  http://localtrust.org.uk/events/working-better-together.

Parternship members have completed the Big Local Partnership review form as requested by Local Trust each year.


(a)          Voice your Choice

The funding for Rastrick Juniors Football Club and the Friends of Rastrick Library project has been requested and approved for draw-down, when required.

Rastrick Juniors Football Club has now got a project planner but no work has been undertaken to date.  It was agreed that we should ask RJFC to supply us with an update by the end of January 2019 as this has been on-going for a long period and we will further assess the situation at this point.  Action:  Danny to contact RJFC

The Friends of Rastrick Library are still awaiting a decision on the planning application.

Bradley Woods are in negotiation for an initial drawdown for work already undertaken and CFFC confirmed that the invoice for the work should be sent directly to CFFC.  Steve queried whether this would be classed as “retrospective funding” and recommended that we speak to their grants team about this.  However, since the meeting an addendum to this is that should any problems arise, Bradley Woods are willing to fund this and it will not therefore be a part of the Voice your Choice funding.   Action:  Danny to speak with Rob Billson

The goalposts are now in place at Healey Wood Recreation ground.

Voice your Choice 2019

The theme chosen for 2019 is the environment.  It was decided that the criteria should be reviewed to see if any amendments are required and this will be discussed at a meeting of the sub-group.

Steve mentioned that CFFC along with Calderdale Council have launched the “Don’t Muck About” campaign and CMBC have two apprentice “litter champions” who are taking the anti-litter message into schools and Community groups.

Cromwell Bottom showed an interest in the last round of Voice your Choice relating to the “environment” and it was decided that it may be worthwhile contacting them again.  Action:  Danny to invite Cromwell Bottom group to AGM.

A brief discussion took place about a Community tidy-up which is on our “timeline” for next year.  Elliot mentioned that Together Housing may be able to offer assistance with this.

(b)          Community Small Grants

We have agreed to fund the Christmas trees at the Parish Centre and the Co-op from the small grants fund.

An application has been received from St Matthew’s Theatrical Group for costumes and leaflet delivery.  It was agreed that one of the figures appeared to be a little excessive and that we should ask for a quote.  Action:  Mags to contact group to ask for further information.

(c)           Marketing/website:

The date for the Community update meeting and Annual General Meeting is 8th November 2018 at Rastrick High School.   Refreshments and supper will be provided.  Action:  Danny and Angela to liaise re arrangements

A newsletter has been finalised and will be displayed around the Community and circulated to the RBL mailing list.  Action:  Angela to circulate newsletter

The date for the Xmas tree switch on at Field Lane will be on Thursday 6th December 2018 at 6.00 pm.  Action:  Peter to liaise with Co-op and Robert/Mags to liaise with Field Lane School


Danny and Angela are still awaiting a response from 2plus1 regarding the website storage situation and will update further at the next RBL meeting.  Action:  Danny to follow up a meeting with 2plus1

(d)    Treasurers Report

The balance at the meeting on 23rd August 2018 was £2345.97.  After payments out the balance at 11th October is £2019.80.


Regarding the Space@Field Lane application, the sub-committee has agreed a proposal to put to Space@Field Lane and this was agreed by the partnership.  Action:  Amanda to contact Space@Field Lane.

Regarding the three other applications received to the Big Impact fund these will be discussed at the sub-committee meeting which is still to be scheduled.  It was decided that the criteria for future applications should be reviewed.

8.            ANY OTHER BUSINESS

(a)          The Rastrick Ward Forum is on Monday 15th October 2018 at Rastrick High School.

(b)          The partnership agreed to extend the contract for both Danny and Angela for another year until October 2019.

(c)           Craig Whittaker MP is hosting a “Pensioner’s Fair” at the Brighouse Civic Hall on Friday 2nd November 2018.  Danny, Pauline and Angela will be manning the RBL stall.   Pauline suggested that RBL pens would be a good marketing tool and she will follow this up.  Action:  Pauline to source pens

(d)          Danny mentioned that Rastrick Plays Better were given a commendation by CFFC at the Community Spirits Award.

8.            Date of next meeting:   22nd November 2018

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