Minutes 7th March 2018

Minutes 7th March 2018


Amanda Caldwell,   Angela Peaker, Peter Edwards,  Rich Richardson, Helen Thompson, Rob Billson

Apologies:          Pauline Eastham, Mags Bryson, Danny Leech, Danika O’Connor, Elliot Collins,
Sophie Whittaker

The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.

The minutes of the meeting of 11th January 2018 were approved.

3.            LTO UPDATE

An update was provided for the period of 1st November 2016 to 31st October 2017.  The total budget accepted was £107,300                 and the total spend was £95,898 (including VYC commitment).   An amount of £51,400 was received, £30,898 was spent, and CFFC currently hold £20,502.

A spend report has been filed with Big Local.   The budget period was extended by 3 months to 31st January 2018 pending acceptance of the 2017-2018 budget. CFFC have now received £53,650 – 50% of the requested budget.

4.            BL REP UPDATE

Local Trust has given feedback on the plan review, giving comments on what they liked and advice on how we can improve on future plan reviews.  It also provides useful links to resources which may be useful.

Helen  mentioned that there is a new way of learning together through Big Local events with learning clusters following a topic and having a series of meetings on a theme – see http://localtrust.org.uk/events/

The plan was approved on 9th February until 31st October 2018.  By 1st October it will be necessary to undertake the nine question plan review and upload a future plan proposal to continue to access the grant money.

5.  sub group updates

(a)          Voice your Choice


We have no further update on Rastrick Juniors Football Club.

Rastrick Plays Better won Tesco Bags of Help of £4,000.  Works are out for tender for this site.   Thornton Road is now completed.  With regards Healey Wood Road, a date is awaited for replacing the goalposts which are on order.

VYC4:  There are eight confirmed applications which are now being reviewed.  The project for the pump track has been withdrawn.

(b)         Community Small Grants

A small grant application was approved for Rastrick Plays Better to distribute leaflets to obtain ideas for the Burnsall Road play area.

Regarding the £5,000 contribution from CFFC to the small grants fund, whilst this was awarded by CFFC in September 2016 it was not actually received.  Rob from CFFC confirmed that this funding is now no longer available.  The contribution for 2017-2018 has not been requested yet and Rob confirmed that we can submit an application.

(c)          Marketing and Engagement

Website: – Danika was unable to attend the meeting but the new website was reviewed in her absence.  A few amendments were suggested.   Those present were in agreement that the website was a success and should now go live.  Action:  Angela to forward amendments to Danika.

Engagement:  Peter has been approached by Space@ Field Lane for assistance as they are planning a fun day on Saturday 5th May.   It was agreed that RBL would ask if they could attend the event.

The Brighouse spring event is on 29th April 2018.  Again, it was agreed that RBL attend this.

Action:  Peter to speak to Mary Green re Field Lane fun day and Anne re Brighouse Spring market.

(d)         Treasurers Report

The balance at the meeting on 11th January 2018 was £830.63.  After expenses paid out, the balance at 7th March 2018 is £719.80.


Discussions are still on-going between Rastrick Big Local and Space at Field Lane.

7.            ANY OTHER BUSINESS

On 25th May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force and RBL will need to comply accordingly.  Action:  Agenda item for discussion at meeting on 19th April 2018.


The date of the next meeting is 19th April 2018 at 6.00 pm at the Arncliffe Centre.

CLOSE 8.00 pm

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