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Join us at our AGM – find out more!

Join us at our AGM – find out more!

Will you come along and join us at our AGM? It’s on Monday 14th November 2022 at Rastrick Library at 7.00 pm. We will be giving an update on the projects we have funded this year and some ideas we have for the future. Our 

Minutes – 13th June 2022

Minutes – 13th June 2022

MINUTES RBL PARTNERSHIP MEETING Monday 13th June 2022 at the Arncliffe Centre Present: Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker, Rich Richardson, Danny Leech, Richard Peaker,Elliot Collins, Anne Sherriff, Amanda Lawson, Apologies: Sophie Whittaker; Gary Collins 1. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES (AND ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST) The Chair welcomed