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VYC 2018 Rastrick Plays Better 2nd Place

VYC 2018 Rastrick Plays Better 2nd Place

FABULOUS – YOU MUST AGREE!!  It’s great to be able to announce that the play area at Burnsall Road play area is finally complete!  A massive “thank you” must go to the small team of individuals – namely Rastrick Plays Better – who have worked  tirelessly 

Minutes 29th November 2018

Minutes 29th November 2018

THURSDAY 29th NOVEMBER 2018 Present:  Peter Edwards,  Angela Peaker,  Rich Richardson,  Danny Leech, Pauline Eastham, Elliot Collins,  Helen Thompson Apologies:      Amanda Caldwell, Mags Bryson,  Sophie Whittaker, Robert Hustwick 1.             WELCOME AND APOLOGIES The Vice-Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted. 2.            RE-ELECTION OF