Minutes 29th November 2018

Minutes 29th November 2018


Present:  Peter Edwards,  Angela Peaker,  Rich Richardson,  Danny Leech, Pauline Eastham, Elliot Collins,  Helen Thompson

Apologies:      Amanda Caldwell, Mags Bryson,  Sophie Whittaker, Robert Hustwick


The Vice-Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.


Members of the partnership were re-elected at the Community Update meeting on 8th November 2018.  The committee are Amanda Caldwell as Chair; Peter Edwards as Vice-Chair and Angela Peaker as Secretary/Treasurer.


The minutes of the meeting of 11th October 2018 were approved.


RBL and The Creative Learning Guild submitted an expression of interest for the Creating Civic Change Programme.  This was unsuccessful and cited as “a worthwhile application but due to the number of high value applications RBL was not up for consideration at this stage”.  However the CLG has expressed a continued interest in working closely with Rastrick Schools and communities going forward despite this setback and would welcome stronger ties to RBL and its planned outcomes.

5.            LTO UPDATE

CFFC were unable to attend the meeting but provided a financial update.  The total expenditure for the period February 2018 to November 2018 is £32.219 and they currently hold £21,431.

The framework document for November 2018 to November 2019 is yet to be amended and agreed.  Action:  Angela to amend framework document.

6.            BL REP UPDATE

Helen mentioned a networking event on Tuesday 8th January 2019 in Knottingley and a learning cluster event in Liverpool on Monday and Tuesday 25th and 26th February 2019 in Liverpool.   Helen mentioned that the date by which the lottery funding should be spent is 2026.

The information on partnership members was filed at the end of November and we currently meet the criteria required.

Danny and Angela have completed the nine questions required to drawdown further funding and Helen will file this by the beginning of December.  The plan proposal and any amendments to the plan will need to be filed by 31st December to access the further funding.


(a)          Voice your Choice 1

We are still awaiting a response from Rastrick Juniors Football Club to our request for an update by the end of January 2019.  If no response is received the partnership will review this further.  Action:  Danny to monitor

(b)          Voice your Choice 3

An application has been filed with the Local Trust to drawdown the funding for the Friends of Rastrick Library and Rastrick Juniors.  This will be requested when required.

(c)           Voice your Choice 4

CFFC will authorize Bradley Woods request from contractors re the initial payment and completion payment when the work is completed.  The anticipated deadline is February 2019.

RPB have requested £5,500 towards Burnsall Road refurbishment as work has commenced and is due to be completed by January 2019.

(b)          Community Small Grants

The Christmas trees at the Parish Centre and the Co-op have been funded.

A revised quote was obtained by the St Matthew’s Theatrical Group and this was accepted and approved by the small grants sub-committee.

Further information has been requested from Turning Point Counselling and Focus4Success in relation to applications they have submitted.

(c)           Marketing/website:

The Community update meeting was on 8th November 2018 at Rastrick High School with around 30 people in attendance.  Darren Burton, a past member of Rastrick Big Local, came along to the meeting with other members of Shadsworth & Whitebirk Big Local who were interested in seeing how RBL work.

We have obtained a supply of pens displaying the Rastrick Big Local logo.   Danny, Angela and Pauline attended the Pensioner’s Fair in early November and gave out around 100.


Danny and Angela met with 2plus1 to discuss the website storage.   They have supplied a quote for the work to be undertaken which was agreed by the partnership.  However they have also submitted a small invoice for the initial consultation meeting and RBL will query if they would be willing to waive this charge.  Action:  Danny/Angela to query invoice and confirm that we wish to proceed with their services.

(d)    Treasurers Report

The balance at the meeting on 11th October 2018 was £2019.80 and a further £2000 was transferred into the RBL account for expenses to be incurred in November and December.   After expenditure, the balance at 29th November 2018 is £2114.34.


The Space@Field Lane application has been approved but the decision on the funding and caveats to go forward has yet to be finalised.

Brighouse Foodbank application  – further evidence requested and still awaited.

Rastrick Cricket Club – this was rejected as not being a new project piece of work and more a restoration Action:  Danny to review options going forward

St Johns Car Park refurbishment – funding requirement has been met through various sources and a small top up has been given from the community small grants fund.

8.            ANY OTHER BUSINESS

(a)          The Chief Executive of Local Trust, Matt Leach, would like to meet with RBL on Friday 5th April.

(b)          At earlier meetings we have discussed the idea of having an event in the school holidays.  Discussion took place about a beetle drive/craft event at the Arncliffe Centre but this is still to be organised.  Action:  Angela and Pauline to check number of tables etc and organise event.


The date of the next meeting is 10th January 2019 at the Arncliffe Centre


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