Minutes for 19th October 2017

Minutes for 19th October 2017



 Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker,   Peter Edwards, Danny Leach,  Rich Richardson, Mags Bryson, Danika O’Connor, Steve Duncan,  Helen Thompson,  Scarlett (University)

Apologies:   Christine Beal, Elliot Collins, Craig Weston, Pauline Eastham; Robert Hustwick


The chair welcomed Scarlett from Huddersfield University who attended as an observer.


The minutes of the meeting of 7th September were approved.


A financial update was provided by CFFC.  Expenditure to date is £23,911 and monies held at CFFC are £27,489.  There still remains £55,900 to be drawn down to complete the budget for 2016-2017.  The funding committed to the Friends of Rastrick library project is £65,000.  The remaining balance is £18,389.  Steve reminder the partnership that CFFC have various funding opportunities and mentioned a Youth Social Action Fund and a fund focusing on access projects for the disabled which are due to be launched shortly.


Helen has reviewed the feedback from the plan review meeting and this will need to be submitted to Local Trust and approved within the next few weeks before the budget allocation, which has yet to be decided,  can be drawn down for the 2017/2018 period.  Action:  Plan review to be submitted/budget for 2017/2018 to be decided.


 (a) Voice your Choice

 Rastrick Plays Better have been shortlisted to receive funding from the Tesco Bags for Life Scheme with this being £4,000, £2,000 or £1,000 dependent on the winning project. There are four groups interested in submitting a bid for the next round of funding from Voice your Choice.  They will be attending the community meeting to showcase details of their projects.  Groups who previously applied under the Children and Young People theme have been contacted about the next round of funding. There has been limited feedback from schools and Danny is still hoping to set up a meeting with the school councils.

(b)  Community small grants

The Community small grants fund has been reviewed by Mags and Angela and the allocated budget has not yet been used.  In addition the £5,000 from CFFC has not yet been paid for 2016-2017.  Steve from CFFC commented that they are flexible and that RBL would be able to have £10,000 for the next period.

CMBC have previously funded two Christmas trees in Rastrick but as there is no festive fund this year  RBL have agreed to fund the two trees outside the Parish Centre and the Co-op from the small  grants fund.  Action:  Monies to be requested from CFFC for Xmas trees.

 (c)   Marketing and Engagement  

The new website is nearing completion.  Danika suggested that projects receiving funding either through Voice your Choice or Community small grants be asked to provide a blog and photo of their project to provide content for the website.  The criteria will be reviewed to include this as a condition of receiving funding.   Photos of Rastrick would be beneficial.  Suggestions were put forward of approaching the photographic group at the library and journalist students at Huddersfield University to see if they could help. Action:  Mags to look at small grants criteria/Danny to speak with library photographic group/Scarlett to get journalism contact

(d)         Treasurers report      

The balance of the account at 19th October 2017 is £107.41.  A request will be sent to CFFC to replenish the account for expenses relating to the Community evening and the Christmas celebrations. Action:   Angela to email CFFC to transfer funds.


 The criteria relating to the third funding stream which is to fund larger scale projects was discussed.  It was agreed that information could be put on the website and facebook about this opportunity and that any interested parties should make an expression of interest through Danny.

Discussion took place about the potential for a business opportunity with CFFC but this would need to be revisited at a further date  to see if it was viable.   Action: Amanda to draft social media announcement.


The Community update meeting will be on 9th November from 7.00 pm until 9.00 pm.  A number of projects have expressed an interested in submitting a bid for the next round of funding from VYC and they will be attending the meeting to highlight their proposals.   Action:  Mags to see if mayor is available/Danny to obtain a screen for visuals/Angela to order catering

7a:          RBL have agreed to fund the Xmas tree at Field Lane and the Parish Centre.  The date of Wednesday 6th December was agreed for the switch-on.  Action:  Mags to check availability of mayor and speak to school re choir/Peter to speak with Robert Brett re  music.


The date of the next meeting is Thursday 30th November 2017

 CLOSE 8.00 pm


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