Minutes 27th November 2023

Monday 27th November 2023 via Zoom
Present: Amanda Caldwell; Angela Peaker, Richard Peaker, Rich Richardson,
Amanda Lawson, Danny Leech, Elliot Collins, Kate Lightstead, Alister Shaw
Apologies: Sophie Whittaker; Gary Collins
The Chair welcomed the partnership members and apologies were noted. - MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING
The minutes of the meeting of 24th October 2023. - LTO UPDATE
The LTO provided a financial update. The approved budget to the end of the period is £521,650. Of this the amount of £281.300 has been drawn down.
Funding of £24,525 from year 8 brought forward. The amount of £25,000 has been drawn down for
year 9. Expenditure for year 9 is £39,340.58. CFFC currently hold. £10,184.42. - BL REP UPDATE
The new plan has been submitted to Local Trust and will now need to be assessed before further funds are released. Action: Amanda C and Local Trust to liaise to arrange meeting
Alister thanked the partnership members for completing the partnership review which is a yearly
requirement to ensure that we are still meeting the required criteria. Alister is no longer our Big Local representative. Amanda thanked him for all his support over the last year. Kate will continue to attend our meetings as area representative.
START: No decision has yet been made as to whether we will progress this further. Action: Discussion to be undertaken by partnership - SUB GROUP UPDATES
(a) Community Small Grants:
The following small grants have been paid:
Joanna Sweat-West – hypnotherapy from within – course at Space
Following an initial enquiry enquiry from Rastrick Cricket Club, we have yet to receive an application form.
We are still awaiting monitoring forms for various Community Small Grants
CFFC funding: We will request the monitoring form for completion in order to apply for the funding. Action: Angela to contract Rob
(b) Marketing and website
We are continuing to update the website and facebook with local information.
(c) Treasurers Report
The balance of the RBL account at 27th November 2023 is £533.69
The funding for the Friends of Rastrick Cemetery of £300 is still being held. - BIG IMPACT
Energy project in discussion – partnership network meetings
The representatives from the various organisation have undertaken energy reviews and progress is ongoing. It was agreed that Jason Middleton who is leading the project be invited to the next RBL meeting to update the whole partnership.
The next meeting has been set for the final Friday in January at Cromwell Bottom. - ANY OTHER BUSINESS
a) Xmas trees
The trees have been funded again at the Co-op and the Parish Centre
It was agreed that we would delay setting a date for this until the new plan has been approved.
c) Danny and Angela contracts
It was agreed to renew both contracts
d) The Space@Field Lane are holding their Xmas Fair on Saturday 2nd December - DATE FOR THE NEXT MEETING: Monday 8th January 2024 at the Arncliffe Centre