Minutes 25th April 2022

Monday 25th April 2022 at the Arncliffe Centre
Present: Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker, Rich Richardson, Danny Leech, Richard Peaker,
Anne Sherriff, Amanda Lawson, Sophie Whittaker, Gary Collins,
Apologies: Elliot Collins
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. - MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING
The minutes of the meeting of 14th March 2022 were approved.
Update on matters arising:
Negotiations and communications on the gardening project at Field Lane School and volunteering
opportunities at the 6th form college are on-going. Action: Amanda to liaise with school and college
Carr Green zipwire: Part of the equipment is now back in place but it is not functional: Action: Angela
to monitor
Burnsall Road swings: There was no guarantee that these would be reinstated. We will contact CMBC
to see if there is any further update. Action: Sophie to action
Defibrillator at Space: Graham Gibbons from CMBC is currently in discussions with both the school and Space as to the best location for this. We are still awaiting a further update. Action: Amanda to liaise with Mary. - LTO UPDATE
The LTO provided a financial update. The approved budget to the end of the period is £521,.650. Of this the amount of £256,300 has been drawn down with approximately £265,350 left to draw down.
The expenditure to date for year 8 is £59,515.66. CFFC currently hold £29,634.34 for year 8 together with £39,192.03 from year 7 being a total amount of £68,826.37.
CFFC have requested the virement of £75,000 to the Big Impact budget and we are awaiting
confirmation of this from Local Trust.
Rastrick Juniors Football Club have been paid their funding of £50,000.
Cromwell Bottom is still pending as CFFC are awaiting an invoice on this.
Local Trust have offered assistance on legal structures should RBL wish to consider this. - BL REP UPDATE
Anne updated that Big Local Connects is in September 2022 and registration will be open from the start of May. Amanda asked that anyone interested should let her know. - SUB GROUP UPDATE
(b) Community Small Grants
The following small grant applications have been approved and payment is currently in process:
Rastrick Juniors Football Club – replacement defibrillator on Carr Green Lane
Turning Point Counselling – sessions at Rastrick High School
Upper Edge Baptist Church – approved but RBL are still awaiting the return of the completed BACS form.
Gary has received a thankyou from St Johns Church for all the advice he has given to them with regard to their church and Community hall lighting.
(c) Marketing and website
We are continuing to update the website. A static page has now been created for activities at
Space@Field Lane. We are also sharing information via Facebook.
(d) Treasurers Report
The balance of the RBL account at 25th April 2022 remains at £633.69.
An audit of the Rastrick Big Local account is now due. Action: Angela to instigate - BIG IMPACT
Rastrick Juniors Football Club: As stated in point 3 above, the funding of £50,000 has now been paid
over. Work has not commenced to date.
Negotiations are still in process with CMBC regarding Rastrick Library. - ANY OTHER BUSINESS
(a) The various activities taking place at space which are funded through Active Calderdale and the
Co-op fund are well attended. An event is currently in planning for the jubilee celebrations.
(b) Strivelive Business Enterprise Cube: We have still not been successful in engaging with another
Big Local to be part of this scheme but it is still under consideration. Action: Amanda to contact
(c) Sophie mentioned that Cygnet Hospital on Rastrick Common are often looking for Community
projects for their residents to be involved with. Action: Sophie to give details to Amanda
(d) Soil Barrier on Sherburn Road: Danny and Elliot have made enquiries as to the possibility of
planting seeds here and he is awaiting a response on this. - Date for next meeting: Monday 13th June 2022 at 6.00 pm at the Arncliffe Centre