Minutes 13th December 2021

Monday 13th December 2021 at the Arncliffe Centre
Present: Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker, Rich Richardson, Danny Leech, Richard Peaker, Anne Sherriff, Amanda Lawson, Sophie Whittaker,
Gary Collins
Apologies: Donna-Marie Hargrave; Zoe Stock, Elliot Collins
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. - MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING
The minutes of the meeting of 8th November 2021 were approved.
Defibrillator: Investigations are still on-going on where this can be placed. CMBC Ward Forum will be responsible for its upkeep.
Action: Sophie to monitor
Carr Green Zipwire: CMBC updated that they were not responsible for the removal of further parts of the zipwire. They will look at the cost of repair but cannot guarantee that they will undertake any work.
Burnsall Road play area: This play area has sadly suffered repeated vandalism. Together Housing is responsible for its upkeep. The necessary repairs are scheduled to take place in January. - LTO UPDATE
The LTO provided a financial update. The approved budget to the end of the period is £521,.650. Of this
the amount of £167,150 has been drawn down. The total expenditure to date is £125,642.04. CFFC
currently hold £41,507.96. - BL REP UPDATE
A brief discussion took place about the feedback given to Anne by the individual partnership members in order to complete the second part of the plan review. One area of consideration was to try to improve the membership and to try to improve links to disabled residents and to reach out to underrepresented areas.
Action: Sophie to contact Lorraine
The RBL documents on the Code of Conduct and the Conflict of Interest policy are to be reviewed and circulated to members for signature. Action: Angela to update and circulate
Anne will complete the review in draft and circulate this to the partnership prior to submitting this to Local Trust.
Action: Anne to circulate draft to partnership - SUB GROUP UPDATES
a) Voice your Choice 4
Rastrick Library was presented with an award from the Brighouse Civic Trust on Monday 22 November 2021 for the design of the ramp to give access to all. A celebration event to make the 109 year old library also took place.
(b) Community Small Grants
An application has been received from St Johns Church to upgrade the lighting to LED. One of the partnership members has vast experience in the lighting field and he offered to visit St Johns to give
them useful advice. The application is still pending.
Action: Danny and Gary to liaise
The application from the Empire Dance Troop has been resubmitted and circulated to the sub-group. Due to the Christmas period approaching it was agreed that a decision would be made on this in the New Year.
c) Marketing and website
The RBL website and facebook continue to be updated with news from the Community.
(d) Treasurers Report
The balance at the meeting on 8th November was £2622.81. The balance on the account at 13th December 2021 is £2707.69. - BIG IMPACT
Danny and Amanda L are due to meet with Cromwell Bottom to finalise the funding from the Big Impact fund which has been approved by the sub-group.
The RJFC application is still pending whilst additional information is being gathered.
We have had no further contact with the person interested in a bump track.
An application has been submitted by Bradley Woods but the Big Impact fund is now suspended. Danny has liaised with them to update accordingly and given information to other sources of funding.
An application was received from St Johns relating to the organ restoration. However this was received after the suspension of the Big Impact fund and is therefore not under consideration by the Big Impact
(a) Space update: The application to the Kickstart programme for a position funded under the government scheme at Space@Field Lane has been accepted. This has to be in place by March
(b) RBL are still awaiting a meeting with representatives of CMBC to discuss the legacy project with the library. Action: Amanda to contact Alan Lee - Date for next meeting: Thursday 27th January at 6.00 pm at the Arncliffe Centre