Minutes 7th April 2021

Present: Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker, Rich Richardson, Danny Leech, Richard Peaker, Peter Edwards, Gary Collins, Leanne Jones, Anne Sherriff, Amanda Lawson
Apologies: Sophie Whittaker, Elliot Collins
The meeting was opened. Mags Bryson has now retired from CMBC and has now left the Rastrick Big Local partnership. Thanks were expressed for her commitment over the years and a small gift was purchased from RBL funds to present to her.
The minutes of the meeting of 24th February 2021 were approved.
The LTO provided a financial update.
The net funds available for year 6 – 2019-2020 were £92,150. The total expenditure for year 6 2019-2020 was £54,375.78 with unspent funds being £37,774.22.
The expenditure for year 7 2020-2021 is £6954.78. As the first payment for 2021 has not yet been received the year 7 expenditure has been paid from the unspent funds. The closing balance stands at £30,819.44.
The final payment of £15,000 to the Friends of Rastrick Library is currently in process from the monies held for year 5 2018-2019.
The 2nd payment of £25,000 to the Space@Field Lane is also in process from the year 6 funds.
It was agreed that we would ask for a drawdown of funds of £50,000 for the current period. Action: Amanda (L) to request funding.
As the Local Trust representative, Anne asked if there were any areas of concern that we would like to know more about or be offered assistance with.
General discussion took place with suggestions being that assistance with dealing with the impact on mental health may be beneficial.
A suggestion was also put forward for basic computer skill training etc. However Space have had classes previously and take up was very minimal.
A new work cluster “The Day after Tomorrow” has been formed which is to discuss whether Big Locals may wish to continue in a different format after the ten year period. Amanda will join on behalf of RBL.
(a) Voice your Choice 1
The Rastrick Juniors Football club planning application is still pending. No date has yet been set for a plaque dedication.
(b) Voice your Choice 4
The library sunken garden is awaiting completion by the Council. All invoices for the work undertaken have now been received by RBL and the final £15,000 is in the process of being paid to CMBC.
Some local libraries are due to open shortly on reduced hours but Rastrick is not included. A recent update would indicate that they are investigating having electric doors installed as well as other issues. We will check if there is any further update here. Action: Amanda to contact Sophie.
(c) Voice your Choice 5
Request for placement of plaques at the Rastrick Cricket Club and Cromwell Bottom are deferred.
(b) Community Small Grants
An application has been approved for Rastrick Cricket Club for individual kits for players. The sub panel are Amanda, Peter, Richard and Elliot.
Mags has now retired and Danny will now be the initial contact for future small grants. All paperwork will be updated. Action: Angela to update forms/website etc.
Whilst the partnership has previously discussed the possibility of changing the criteria for small grants but it was decided to leave the criteria as at present.
c) Marketing and website
Big Local are offering mentoring and support from a film company in relation to website, tik-tok videos. Amanda is due to have a conversation with an individual and will report back at the next meeting.
(d) Treasurers Report
The balance on 24th February 2021 was £5034.69. A small grant of £1500 has been paid out and £300 is held for the Friends of Rastrick Cemetery. Therefore RBL funds stand at £3234.69.
No further applications have been received to the Big Impact fund.
a) Mags has now retired and, in her absence, she was thanked for her contribution to Big Local over the years. A small gift has been purchased to present to her.
b) Space@Field Lane is in the process of applying for grants for different activities for when the centre is able to open. They have applied for a walking fund grant and are waiting a response. Peter suggested that perhaps a flyer could be produced with a map of the area which also advertised Rastrick Big Local. Anne mentioned that another group had undertaken this and she would send information to Amanda. Action: Anne to send info on map to Amanda.
c) A general idea of funding sports facilities to offer Community vouchers was discussed briefly. This could be in the form of social prescribing ie by local doctor idea . No decision on how to progress this was made.
d) RBL still hold monies for the Friends of Rastrick Cemetery which was received by them through the Ward Forum grants. Mags agreed with the owner that this money could be used to paint the shutters on the cemetery building. Space is hoping that a Mans Shed project may be established and Danny will liaise with them to see if this is a project they could undertake.
e) The missing part of the zip wire is not in place at Carr Green. We will look into this. Peter also commented that he had highlighted trees in the area raising pavements. Again we will ask for any update here. Action: Amanda to contact Sophie.
8. Date for next meeting: Monday 17th May at 6.00 pm
9. Close 8.00 pm