Minutes 21st July 2020

Present: Angela Peaker, Peter Edwards, Danny Leech, Rich Richardson, Sophie Whittaker, Anne Sherriff
Apologies: Amanda Caldwell, Elliot Collins, Mags Bryson, Robert Hustwick, Zoe Stock
The meeting was chaired by Peter and apologies were noted.
The minutes of the meeting of 27th May 2020 were approved.
The LTO were unable to attend the meeting but a financial update was provided as follows:
The net funds available for 2019-2020 are £72,150. Expenditure to date is £17,917.04 and total funds carried forward are £54,232.96. No funds have yet been drawn down for actions relating to Covid.
The RJFC project is progressing and an invoice is due to be submitted shortly. As earlier funds were returned for this project and it is no longer identified in the current plan Robert has suggested that RBL request a virement of the funds that CFFC currently hold to pay the invoice.
A spend report was due by the end of June but we have had no confirmation that this has been completed to date.
The unspent funds still held by CFFC for the period of 2018-2019 are £41,250.
Big Local Connects was held via on-line Zoom sessions from 9th July 2020 to 11th July 2020. Anne asked for feedback from the partnership. Angela attended a session which was delivered by the Urban Mindfulness Foundation and applied to attend Making the Most of Social Media but this was fully booked.
(a) Voice your Choice 1
The groundworks have commenced on the Rastrick Juniors Football Club project and they hope to complete by September 2020, dependent on the Covid 19 situtation. Photos of the project were circulated around the partnership. Final invoices have been submitted for payment.
(b) Voice your Choice 4
The works at the Rastrick Library are to be completed in mid to late summer. Photos of the works undertaken so far have been circulated around the partnership.
(c) Voice your Choice 5
The works on the Rastrick Cricket Club living roof project have been progressing and final invoices are in process. We are awaiting photos of the project so far.
The works at Cromwell Bottom Nature Reserve have been progressing and we are awaiting final invoices.
It was agreed that all projects be supplied with a plaque to identify the funding received from Rastrick Big Local. Danny has obtained prices in this respect. Due to Covid 19 no date has yet been set for any presentation/publicity event. Anne advised that RBL check the requirements of Local Trust in relation to publicity material. Action: Danny to check Local Trust re publicity materials.
(b) Community Small Grants
We have continued to advertise the Community small grants fund but have received no further applications. A small amount of funding still remains for the period of 2019 and no application has been submitted for the 2020 funding until the earlier funding has been spent.
(c) Marketing and website
We are continuing to update the website and facebook with useful information.
(d) Treasurers Report
The balance on 21st July 2020 is £1727.60 including the funding of £300 which is being held on behalf of the Friends of Rastrick Cemetery.
There have been no further applications to the Big Impact fund.
(a) Foodbank/Focus4Hope: A partnership agreement was signed off to fund Brighouse Central Foodbank and Focus4Hope with £8,000 to be shared equally for “consumables”. A discussion took place on whether RBL regarded this funding to be “complete” or whether we should consider providing further monetary assistance. In this respect we have received a funding request from Focus4Hope for a support worker which has been reviewed by the partnership. The overall feeling was that we needed more information regarding their policies and procedures before we could make a decision. Action: Danny will liaise with group to ask for more information.
(b) Space@Field Lane update: Danny, Sophie and RR met with Space via a Zoom call. They have a plan to re-open the café in early August using the Covid guidance. They have submitted information on what they are planning to do and asked if RBL could consider further funding.
A second payment of £25,000 is due to Space within the next few months and after discussion it was agreed that we report back to them with the suggestion that they use some of this funding. Dependent on the outcome RBL would then re-visit their request with a view of replenishing the funding they have used. Action: Danny to report back to Space@Field Lane
Space is holding a visioning day on 1st August from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and have invited RBL along.
(c) The plan was not discussed in great detail although we will need to make an amendment to reflect the funding given to Rastrick Juniors Football Club. A point was also made that some applications for funding may not fall within any of our funding streams. Perhaps we should consider another funding stream?
(d) Bradley Woods have emailed to ask if RBL can offer any help but did not give any indication as to what assistance they needed. Action: Danny will contact Bradley Woods to discuss this.
(e) As face masks are becoming more common place a discussion took place as to whether RBL could fund any groups/individuals to make these. Action: Danny will look into this.
(f) Partnership members: We are continuing to try and recruit new members and we are hoping that we may have a few volunteers joining our next meeting.
The date of the next meeting is Thursday 27th August 2020 at 6.00 pm via Zoom.