2015 Rastrick Juniors Football Club – VYC 2015 2nd place

2015 Rastrick Juniors Football Club – VYC 2015 2nd place

In 2015 Rastrick Juniors Football Club were chosen as 2nd place and awarded £25,000.  They have held football matches on the Carr Green playing fields for many years and have had no changing or toilet facilities.  This funding will go towards RJFC the installation of a clubhouse.

Rastrick Big Local then decided to discontinue the Voice your Choice project.  However, a new funding scheme was created and in 2021 it was decided to fund a further £50,000 towards this project from the Big Impact Fund.

The photograph shows the playing fields with the local school in the background and we’re looking forward to being able to post a “before” and “after” photograph soon!!

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