2017 Voice your Choice Friends of Rastrick Library

In 2017, The Friends of Rastrick library project  “Access 4 All”  project was awarded the full funding amount of £65,000 via Voice your Choice 3.

The committee and volunteers of this group have worked tirelessly over the past five years to try and raise sizeable funds to make the library accessible for everyone, the able-bodied, wheelchair users, those with health or mobility issues and families with young children.  It has provided a vital community hub for the last 105 years.

The works have started …..

The Friends of Rastrick library, Rastrick Big Local, council officials and architects have worked closely together to bring this project to fruition and works have recently commenced.  However, due to the adverse weather conditions the work was delayed and has been further delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  However, the path has now been completed and has been used by wheelchair users.  There remains the garden area to complete but it’s progressing well!


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