Minutes 28th February 2019

Minutes 28th February 2019



Present:  Amanda Caldwell, Peter Edwards, Angela Peaker, Danny Leech, Rich Richardson, Helen Thompson, Robert Hustwick, Mags Bryson, Elliot Collins

Apologies:      Sophie Whittaker


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.  Pauline has now resigned having moved out of the area.  Thanks were expressed for her work and it was agreed to purchase a small volunteer award for her contribution.  Action:  Angela to purchase gift


The minutes of the meeting of 17th January 2019 were approved.

3.            LTO UPDATE

CFFC reported that RBL had received the full income of £107,300 for 2017-2018.   The deadline for expenditure was extended until the end of February 2019.   A spend report is due and the underspend of £18,484 will be returned to Local Trust.  The £65K for the Friends of Rastrick Library project has not been received but will be released subject to a request for further information being provided.

Action:  Angela to send receipts through for expenditure from RBL account and return underspend to CFFC

4.            BL REP UPDATE

The Chief Executive of Local Trust, Matt Leach, will be visiting on 12th April 2019.  An itinerary is yet to be drawn up but the intention is that we will take him round some of the projects funded and to lunch.   Action:  Helen to update with details in due course.

Helen updated that Local Trust are looking at groups having a 5 year plan and help is available if needed.  Discussion took place on how to progress this and how to measure our success to date – which could be through a brochure or a video.  Danny may have contacts here.    Action: Danny to put a brief together to forward to Helen/Helen to look at contacts – agreed a separate meeting around April/May time.


(a)          Voice your Choice 1

A response was requested by 8th February from Rastrick Juniors Football Club but no reply has been forthcoming.  It was agreed that we should ask for a crisis meeting by the 8th March 2019.  Action:  Danny to contact RJFC

Voice your Choice 3

The funding for the Friends of Rastrick Library and RJFC has been requested but not yet drawn down. Local Trust have asked for further information from CMBC before releasing the funding and CFFC and Local Trust are liaising on this.

The Bradley Woods project is now complete and to date they have had around 150 people there.  They intend to have a number of events open to the general public this year.  The final invoice for payment has been given to CFFC.

The Rastrick Plays Better work at Burnsall Road is now completed and the final invoice submitted for payment.  The group has been awarded the Duke of York Community Initiative Award and has been invited to a ceremony at Catterick Garrison on 3rd April 2019.

Voice your Choice 5

There are potentially five applications for Voice your Choice 2019 with another to be confirmed.  It was agreed to extend the date to 8th March 2019.  Action:  Angela to update website and facebook/Danny to arrange meeting of sub-group

(b)          Community Small Grants

A small grant has been paid out to Focus4Success for an activities programme at St John’s Church.   To date a total of £4426 has been paid out from the CFFC contribution and Robert confirmed that we did not need to return the £574 underspend at this time.   Action:  Mags and Angela to meet to action the 2019 application.

(c)           Marketing/website:

After re-consideration, we have decided to attend the Spring Market on 28th April 2019 and a rota will be drawn up for manning the stall.  Action:  Peter to book stall/Angela to sort rota


Angela has met with 2plus1 to discuss the Cloud storage and they are currently in the process of setting this up.  They recommended that the program be placed on individual computers but this would not be an option for some members.  We will ask 2plus1 about access for these members.  Action: Angela to liaise with 2plus1

(d)    Treasurers Report

The balance at the meeting on 17th January 2019 was £918.83 and after expenses the balance at 28th February 2019 is £907.93.   The underspend from the £2000 transferred from CFFC will be returned as the spend report is due.  The draft financial framework document is yet to be approved.

Action:  Angela to send receipts through for expenditure from RBL account and return underspend to CFFC/send draft finance document to CFFC for consideration.


The draft contract for Space@Field Lane has been sent to CFFC but Robert did not recall seeing this.  Action:  Danny to forward email to CFFC

Further information has been received from the Brighouse Central Foodbank.  Action:  DL to arrange meeting with Foodbank/meeting of sub-group to be arranged

The Community Learning Guild has covered all match funding required but would still like to put forward an application for targeted work in Rastrick as a pilot.

7.            ANY OTHER BUSINESS

(a)          Community Foundation for Calderdale are hosting a visit by the Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire and RBL has been invited to be part of this.  It was agreed that we would like to be involved and we will         confirm this back to Steve.  Action:  Angela to email Steve to accept invitation


The date of the next meeting is 11th April 2019 at the Arncliffe Centre.

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