Voice your Choice 2019 – Deadline for proposals 1st March 2019

The DEADLINE for proposal submissions is 1st March 2019 

RASTRICK is one of a number of areas in the national Big Local programme that has been allocated funding to enable local residents to make a substantial and lasting difference to their community.

We know that most of your know about our participatory budgeting scheme VOICE YOUR CHOICE and that you, the Community, have chosen the theme of “the environment” for investment this coming year 2019/2020.

If you have a proposal which you believe is practical and deliverable that will have a positive and lasting impact on the Environment for members of the Rastrick community then why not get in touch with us.  If you have any questions, need clarification or any support then you can contact Danny Leech on 07544 68495 or danny.leechrblvyc@gmail.com.

The Voice your Choice application form and guidance notes can be found HERE


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