Minutes 5 June 2023

Monday 5th June 2023 – Open meeting at Rastrick Bowling Club
Present: Amanda Caldwell; Angela Peaker, Richard Peaker, Rich Richardson, Gary Collins, Amanda
Lawson, Alison Mitchell; Dr Ed Bylina (resident); Denise Young (resident on behalf of St
Matthews Church); Jason Middleton (on behalf of Rastrick Cricket Club)
Apologies: Elliot Collins, Sophie Whittaker, Danny Leech
The Chair welcomed the partnership members and apologies were noted. As this was an open meeting, the chair welcomed the following people to the meeting:
Dr Ed Bylina: Ed attended the meeting as he lives in the local area. He contributed to the meeting by
expressing his views about the need for defibrillators in all public areas. We discussed whether local
businesses may be willing to sponsor one? We also discussed whether a course on how to use a
defibrillator may be worthwhile? He also felt that loneliness was a big issue for many and that lunch clubs etc are a good idea. We updated him on the Space@Field Lane which has a luncheon club and is an excellent Community asset. Action: Amanda and Ed to liaise
Denise Young – on behalf of St Matthews Church, Rastrick: Denise updated that St Matthews are
looking at ways that the Parish Centre can be improved so that this can be energy efficient and could be more widely used by the Community. Action: Amanda and Denise to arrange a meeting
Jason Middleton – on behalf of Rastrick Cricket Club: Jason attended on behalf of the cricket club to
talk about their desire to make the sport and the Cricket Club accessible for all genders. As there are
more houses planned for the area they would like this facility to be widely used by the Community for years to come. Action: Amanda and Danny to arrange a meeting with Jason - MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING
The minutes of the meeting of 3rd April 2023 were approved. - LTO UPDATE
The LTO provided a financial update. The approved budget to the end of the period is £521,.650. Of this the amount of £266.300 has been drawn down.
Funding of £24,525 from year 8 brought forward. The amount of £10,00 has been drawn down for year 9. CFFC currently hold £16,355.56.
CFFC are still awaiting confirmation from Local Trust regarding virement of the funds between the
budget headings. Also, they have requested a new plan before any further funding is released. Action: New plan to be drawn up - BL REP UPDATE
Anne is no longer the Big Local representative for Rastrick. We will be joined at our next meeting by our new rep, Alister Shaw. - SUB GROUP UPDATES
(a) Community Small Grants
The following small grants have been paid out
Rastrick Cricket Club – new equipment and purchase of an outdoor cooking facility
Space (on behalf of Joanna Sweat-West) – mind and body relaxation sessions pilot project
Awaiting BACS form from Halifax Opportunities Trust for swimming project
Awaiting return of evaluation forms sent to projects for completion.
b) Marketing and website
We are continuing to update the website and facebook with local information.
c) Treasurers Report:
The balance of the RBL account at 2nd June is £633.69.
The funding for the Friends of Rastrick Cemetery of £300 is still being held. - BIG IMPACT
Rastrick Juniors Football Club: The clubhouse is now in-situ.
Rastrick Library: The possibility of a long term project with the library is still under consideration. Assistance is being given by a representative who has met with Calderdale Council on behalf of RBL prior to RBL then contacting Local Trust to discuss this further. - ANY OTHER BUSINESS
a) Energy Efficiency/solar panels: Gary has researched this and provided a link to a company who
will undertake a survey for any interested parties. We will forward this link on to them.
Action: Angela to forward link
b) We are still in the process of creating an application form and criteria for the new funding
stream. We have a couple of parties interested in this. Action: Partnership to agree criteria - Date for next meeting: Monday 17th July 2023 – venue to be arranged