Minutes – 5th December 2022

Monday 5th December 2022 at the Arncliffe Centre
Present: Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker, Rich Richardson, Richard Peaker,
Elliot Collins, Gary Collins, Amanda Lawson
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted. - MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING
The minutes of the meeting of 24th October 2022 were approved. - LTO UPDATE
The LTO provided a financial update. The approved budget to the end of the period is £521,.650. Of this the amount of £256.300 has been drawn down. The income drawdown for year 8 is £89,150 with the expenditure for year 8 being £102,021. 33.
Funding of £39,192.03 from year 7 has been brought forward. Therefore CFFC currently hold
CFFC are still awaiting confirmation from Local Trust regarding virement of the funds between the
budget headings. - BL REP UPDATE
Anne was unable to attend the meeting and no report was available. - SUB GROUP UPDATES
(a) Community Small Grants
Cornerstone Church approved – to be paid out as soon as possible
St John Church garden approved – BACS details awaited
Curious motion application approved – BACS details awaited
The funding of £5,000 for 2022/2023 has been received from CFFC.
b) Marketing and website
We are continuing to update the website and facebook with local information.
c) Treasurers Report
The balance of the RBL account at 5th December 2022 is £5633.69. - BIG IMPACT
Rastrick Juniors Football Club: The groundworks for the clubhouse are currently being undertaken.
Rastrick Library: The possibility of a long term project with the library is still under consideration. We
are awaiting feedback from a Local Trust representative who is assisting RBL with this.
Space@Field Lane school garden: Newground and volunteers have worked together to clear this area and Space and the school are still holding discussions.
An application to the Big Impact Fund from St John’s Church towards the organ restoration has been
declined as this does not fit in with the funding criteria set by Local Trust. - ANY OTHER BUSINESS
a) Amanda updated that Kate is our local area representative and she would like to come along to
meet with us. Kate has arranged for RBL to have some external support. Amanda has had an interview with Local Trust and they have offered two strategy days. The dates are yet to be confirmed. Action: Amanda to liaise with Kate
b) We have been approached by a couple of groups interested in energy efficiency, and in
particular, solar panels. Discussion took place as to whether any groups interested in this could become a collective group? Action: Danny to liaise with interested parties - DATE FOR NEXT MEETING: Monday 9th January 2023 at 6.00 pm at the Arncliffe Centre (cancelled)