Minutes 8th November 2021

Monday 8th November 2021 at the Arncliffe Centre
Present: Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker, Rich Richardson, Danny Leech, Richard Peaker, Anne Sherriff, Amanda Lawson, Sophie Whittaker, Elliot Collins, Gary Collins
Apologies: Donna-Marie Hargrave (new resident proposing to attend)
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting which is the first “in person” meeting since the Covid pandemic.
Amanda Caldwell was re-elected as chair and Angela Peaker was re-elected as Secretary/Treasurer at the Community Update meeting. The partnership is saddened at the loss of their dear friend and Vice-Chair, Peter Edwards. His work and commitment will forever be remembered. The Vice-Chair position remains vacant.
The minutes of the meeting of 9th August 2021 were approved. As there were insufficient attendees at the meeting on 20th September this was deemed as not being a “quorate” meeting.
Defibrillator at Space@Field Lane: Sophie is awaiting an update on the defibrillator and will provide an update at the next meeting. Action: Sophie to monitor
Carr Green Zipwire: The zipwire is yet to be repaired and further parts appear to be missing as are the swings at the Burnsall Road play area. We will look into this. Action: Sophie to monitor
The LTO provided a financial update. The approved budget to the end of the period is £521,.650. Of this the amount of £167,150 has been drawn down. The total expenditure in year 7 is £68,186.63. CFFC currently £59,587.59.
Amanda and Leanne attended the Big Local Connects in October.
Matt Leach visited RBL on 1st October and visited Rastrick Library prior to having lunch at the Space@Field Lane. The partnership discussed ideas with him over the next few years.
The partnership review forms have been circulated and Anne asked for any outstanding replies to be returned as soon as possible. A review will be undertaken at the meeting in December so that this can be submitted to Local Trust by January.
a) Community Engagement
Voice your Choice 4: A plaque dedication ceremony to mark the funding received from Rastrick Big Local was held at the library in September and the Brighouse Civic Trust is to present their award on Monday 22 November 2021. The Community are invited along to the celebration.
The walking project funded by City Connects was successful in some areas. The funding is to be used by the end of November and Danny will enquire if the underspend can be used to train more walk leaders.
(b) Community Small Grants
The funding of £5,000 from CFFC for 2021 has been received and the remaining £1426 has been paid out to the art group.
A small grant of £1500 has been paid out to St Matthew’s Parents and Toddler Group.
As the payment form from Upper Edge Baptist Church has not been returned this application has not proceeded further.
An enquiry has been received from St John’s Church but an application has yet to be submitted.
Amanda, Angela and Danny are taking part in a Community grants research project with IVAR, who are a research charity over the next 3 months.
The sub-group for small grants is confirmed as: Amanda, Richard, Gary and Angela
c) Marketing and website
The RBL website and facebook continue to be updated with news from the Community.
(d) Treasurers Report
The balance at the meeting on 9th August 2021 was £631.46. The funding of £5,000 has been paid in. The balance on the account at 8th November 2021 is £2622.81.
The decision of the sub-committee on two applications is as follows:
Highbury School Pod: This was not approved due to a couple of factors. Advice was given to submit a small grant application and they were also directed to other areas to apply for funding.
Cromwell Bottom: An application to upgrade the visitor refreshment facilities and improve the access from Rastrick has been approved.
An application has been received from Rastrick Juniors Football Club. Sophie declared an interest in this and will not be involved in discussions on this application.
An enquiry has been received from St John the Divine Chair.
An enquiry on a previous submission for a bump track has been reprised but it is yet to be confirmed.
Action: Sub-group meeting to be arranged: Members of the sub-group are Amanda, Danny, Rich, Sophie and Elliot.
a) Update on AGM: The AGM was held at Rastrick Library on Wednesday 27th October 2021. Amanda and Angela were re-elected to their positions as noted in point 2 above. A new film which Amanda took part in making and which is dedicated to Peter was shown at the meeting.
b) Discuss legacy: The partnership is investigating several capital projects including the library. With this in mind a decision has been made to temporarily suspend the Big Impact fund. Action: Angela to update website accordingly.
c) Space@Field Lane: A new cook has now been employed. Amanda updated that they are considering applying to the Kickstart scheme which is to employ a person in the 16-24 age group. They would be based at Space in a role of looking after the social media/website.
d) Xmas trees: It was agreed to fund the Christmas trees outside the Co-op and the Parish Centre from the small grants. Due to low attendance at earlier celebratory events in was decided not to hold a public switch on event.
e) Contracts for Danny and Angela: It was agreed to renew the contracts for Danny and Angela for a further year.
f) Amanda Lawson mentioned a new fund that CFFC have opened for environmental projects. Further information can be obtained from Steve Duncan.
9. Date for next meeting: Monday 13th December at 6.00 pm at the Arncliffe Centre