Minutes 28th June 2021

Present: Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker, Rich Richardson, Danny Leech, Richard Peaker, Peter Edwards, Gary Collins, Anne Sherriff, Amanda Lawson, Sophie Whittaker, Neil Merrifield
Apologies: Elliot Collins
The chair opened the meeting. Neil Merrifield, who attended the meeting as a guest, was welcomed to the meeting.
Sophie declared an interest in any matters relating to Rastrick Juniors Football Club as she has a connection with the club.
The minutes of the meeting of 17th May were approved.
Carr Green Recreation Ground update:
CMBC have confirmed that a part of the zipwire was removed due to it being damaged. They are looking to source the damaged part.
Brighouse Gala update:
We have checked out the requirements for stall holders. However these are extensive and as the gala is often attended by others from many different areas it was decided that we would not have a presence at the gala.
The LTO provided a financial update.
The Local Trust payment for 2020 was £92,150 (payments 1 and 2) and a further £50,000 (payment 3) received in 2021 with an additional £1142 (in respect of funds required to complete a project for 2019). The funds currently held by CFFC are £46,073.47.
As we have funded projects which currently have no specific budget heading an amended budget has been requested by Local Trust. This has been finalised and approved by the partnership.
The spend report is due to be completed by 6th July 2021. Action: Amanda L to complete spend report/Angela to email amended budget to Local Trust.
The registration for Big Local Connects is now open with up to three members able to attend.
Matt Leach has asked to visit RBL and the partnership agreed a date of 1st October. The itinerary for his visit is yet to be discussed. Action: Anne to confirm date to Matt
VYC – all previous projects to date have been completed and are awaiting plaque dedications. Danny is in liaison with Briggs Priestley regarding the wording on the plaques.
Regarding RJFC, whilst they have signage at the playing fields, there is no mention of having received funding from RBL. Action: Sophie to query displaying a plaque with them.
Voice your Choice 4
The library sunken garden is awaiting completion by the Council. The library is due to re-open on 5th July 2021. There is no date set for an opening ceremony/plaque dedication: Action: Danny to follow this up.
(b) Community Small Grants
The therapeutic arts project run by a volunteer at the Space@Field Lane has now been approved for payment. A query arose regarding the funding of this project which highlighted that perhaps RBL should have documentation to state that this is grant funding and not a payment. Action: Danny to send BACS form to Angela
A small grant of £1500 has been paid in full to Field Lane School for the “grow to school and get outside partnership”.
A small grant of £1500 has been paid out to Space@Field Lane for a tidy up project utilizing skips around the estate – see point 7(a) for an update on this.
Rastrick Cricket Club have supplied RBL with a write-up and photos of a youth team having received a small grant in April. We will contact them to check for parental consent to publish the photos. Action: Angela to email RCC
As the funding for 2020 from CFFC has now been paid out, we will apply for the funding for 2021. Action: Angela to request this
c) Marketing and website
The website and facebook have continued to be updated with information.
(d) Treasurers Report
The balance at the meeting on 17th May 2021 was £3534.69. A petty cash payment has been made into the account from CFFC. After payments out the balance now stands at £805.46.
A meeting has taken place between Danny and Cromwell Bottom to discuss a possible project. An application is yet to be submitted.
No other applications have been received.
During our meeting it was mentioned that Highbury School have been fundraising as they have had their school minibus stolen. We will contact them to mention the Community Small grants fund. Sophie also mentioned that they could apply to the Ward Forum grants. Action: Amanda will contact school.
a) Neil Merrifield, who attended the partnership as a guest, has volunteered considerable time to facilitate the skip tidy-up project in Field Lane. The feedback he received was positive and we believe it has raised the profile of Rastrick Big Local in the area. There was one anti-social behaviour issue which was resolved.
Due to covid there was a considerable amount of waste in the area, and, with this in mind, the partnership agreed that it would be worthwhile using funding to extend this to the remainder of the estate.
b) Amanda and Danny updated on Space@Field Lane as follows:
The centre has now reopened for various groups as well as the lunch club on Fridays.
Regarding the job vacancy for a guided walker, a total of 26 application packs were sent out but no applications were returned. RBL are working with various other local groups who are willing to work as a partnership on this project. The details on how this will operate are yet to be finalised. The funding is still to be released from City Connects.
Regarding the garden project, confirmation is still awaited from the school for this to go ahead. Rastrick Plays Better are disbanding and still have left over funds from Tesco and they are happy for this to be used in the local community on any other projects.
As William Henry Smith School has land discussion took place as to whether we should contact them. Action: Danny to contact school.
The job vacancy for a caretaker at the centre is still open.
c) At the meeting in May discussion took place about the possibility of engaging with Mike Salt who is a charity consultant. Danny has contacted him to arrange a meeting but this is still to be finalised.
d) Peter queried whether Rastrick Big Local could fund a defibrillator from the Community Small grants at Space@Field Lane. Sophie believes that one has been funded through the Ward Forum grants and is waiting to be installed. Action: Sophie to contact CMBC to query
8. Date for next meeting: Monday 9th August 2021 at 6.00 pm.
9. Close 8.00 pm