Minutes 7th October 2020

Present: Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker, Rich Richardson,
Danny Leech, Mags Bryson, Richard Peaker, Gary Collins,
Elliot Collins, Leanne Jones, Anne Sherriff, Robert Hustwick
Apologies: Sophie Whittaker, Peter Edwards, Zoe Stock
The meeting was opened and apologies were noted.
The minutes of the meeting of 27th August 2020 were approved.
The LTO provided a financial update.
The net funds available for 2019-2020 are £72,150. Unspent funds as at 7 October 2020 are £24,534.23. The RJFC project has been funded from this allocation with the Local Trust agreeing that this can be drawn down from the budget relating to Voice your Choice. The next payment to Space@Field Lane of £25,000 is due. A request will be filed with Local Trust to draw down further funds. Action: Robert to submit funding request.
CFFC still hold £13,858.00 from the 2018-2019 funding and as £15,000 is required for the Rastrick Library. There is a deficit of £1142 and CFFC are awaiting a response from Local Trust as to whether this can be drawn from the funding for 2019-2020.
The partnership review is due to be completed by December and members present at the Zoom meeting gave their consent. This item is to be placed on the agenda for any members who have not yet given their consent. Action: Item to be placed on next agenda
The review is in two parts and Anne will be sending a questionnaire round to partnership members for response. Action: Anne to circulate link to survey
(a) Voice your Choice 1
Rastrick Juniors Football club have completed the groundworks. We have requested an update but are still awaiting a response.
(b) Voice your Choice 4
The building work at the Rastrick Library has been completed. The work required to be undertaken by the Council to restore the garden and a discussion with both CMBC and the Friends of Rastrick Library regarding plaque placement and press coverage is delayed due to the pandemic.
(c) Voice your Choice 5
The works at Rastrick Cricket club are now complete.
The final path works have been completed at Cromwell Bottom and they have submitted their final invoice.
A general discussion took place about the need to continue to promote the successful projects of RBL. We have not been producing a newsletter due to the current situation. Leanne suggested that we could promote RBL in the newsletter for the Space@Field Lane. Robert mentioned that CFFC have employed a new marketing assistant and he will liaise with her re promoting RBL on the CFFC website. Action: Robert to provide details of contact at CFFC to Danny.
(b) Community Small Grants
An application has been approved for £1500 for the Rastrick Craft hub at the Space@Field Lane. They are in the process of opening a bank account to accept the funding but this is delayed due to a backlog. The start of the project is delayed due to Covid 19 and we will ask CFFC for a further extension to submit our monitoring report. Action: Angela to contact Rob for an extension.
The criteria and application form for applying for a small grant is still under review.
c) Marketing and website
The group discussed the SurveyMonkey account which has been used primarily for Voice your Choice. As this is a paid account it was agreed not to renew this when it falls due. Action: Angela to cancel auto-renew.
It was also agreed that a laptop should be purchased to undertake work on behalf of RBL. It was also agreed that 2plus1 be contacted to undertake any necessary work in relation to this. Action: Richard to send info to Elliot to investigate this.
(d) Treasurers Report
The balance on 7th October 2020 remains at £1727.60 including the funds being held on behalf of the Friends of Rastrick Cemetery. The audit of the Rastrick Big Local account is currently being undertaken.
The café at the Space@Field Lane has opened on reduced hours. The trustees are looking at the operating model for the long term both in terms of the café and the hiring out of the venue. Various groups have shown an interest.
RBL and Space are working on ideas with Field Lane School.
(a) A Local Trust event entitled “Supporting Mental Health” is on Friday 9th October. Angela was unable to sign up due to the event being fully booked. Amanda is unable to attend and will send the link to Angela.
(b) The partnership usually hold an AGM in November. However, due to the current situation, it was agreed that we defer it until next year. The members currently on the board agreed to remain in their positions.
(c) Whilst there will be no celebratory event, the partnership agreed to fund Xmas trees again at the Parish Centre and the Co-op. It was also agreed that a few sweet treats or perhaps a book be given out at Space for local children. Action: Amanda and Leanne to work in partnership on this.
(d) The contracts for both Danny and Angela are due to be renewed at the end of October. Danny and Angela left the meeting briefly whilst this was discussed. The partnership agreed to renew both contracts for a further one year period.
8. Date for next meeting: Wednesday 18th November 2020
9. Close 8.00 pm