Minutes 27th August 2020

Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker, Peter Edwards, Danny Leech, Rich Richardson, Sophie Whittaker, Elliot Collins,
Mags Bryson, Rich Richardson, Richard Peaker, Gary Collins, Ian Cockerill, Leanne Jones
Apologies: Robert Hustwick, Zoe Stock
The meeting was opened and a welcome extended to local residents, Richard Peaker, Gary Collins and Ian Cockerill who attended with a view to joining the partnership. Sue Ansarie from Local Trust was also welcomed to the meeting. Apologies were noted.
The minutes of the meeting of 21st July 2020 were approved.
The LTO were unable to attend the meeting but a financial update was provided as follows:
The net funds available for 2019-2020 are £72,150. Expenditure to date is £44,340.37. Unspent funds as at 25 August are £27,809.63. CFFC have asked for a budget virement to cover the Rastrick Juniors Football Club funding.
The spend report up to the end of June has now been filed with Local Trust.
The unspent funds still held by CFFC for the period of 2018-2019 are £21,840. They do not hold quite enough to complete the VYC projects with there being a shortfall of £1,142.
All members of the partnership were asked to complete a survey by Local Trust. Sue Ansarie from Local Trust was present in the Zoom meeting to encourage any members to complete this if they had not already done so.
A review of partnership members is due to be undertaken between September and December 2020. Anne will provide a statement for members to agree to. Action: Partnership review to be placed on agenda for September, October and November.
Anne mentioned that the additional £50,000 awarded to RBL can be used for any project and not just in relation to Covid projects. The partnership will need to update the LTO and attach relevant minutes to identify where the monies have been spent.
Amanda has joined the Community Leadership Group. There are around 50 members on this and Amanda will continue to feed back to RBL.
(a) Voice your Choice 1
Rastrick Juniors have completed the groundworks and anticipate that the project should be completed by the end of September.
(b) Voice your Choice 4
The major works have been completed at the library and the formal sunken garden to be completed by CMBC. Prices have been obtained for plaques but no presentation and press opportunities are envisaged yet due to Covid.
We have previously discussed enquiring whether RBL could utilize the space below the library. It was agreed that this would be worth investigating. Action: Sophie to look into this.
(c) Voice your Choice 5
The Rastrick Cricket Club project is now completed and final invoices have been signed off and processed.
Re Cromwell Bottom Nature Reserve we are awaiting the final invoice for the completion of the path works which have been delayed due to the current situation.
(b) Community Small Grants
We have received no further applications to the Community small grants fund. Amanda declared an interest in an application which is due to be submitted shortly.
It was agreed that we should review the application form and criteria to see if we could make any alterations to attract applications. Action: Mags to amend and circulate application form and criteria for consideration by partnership members.
(c) Marketing and website
We are continuing to update the website and facebook with useful information.
(d) Treasurers Report
The balance on 27th August 2020 is £1727.60 including the funding of £300 which is being held on behalf of the Friends of Rastrick Cemetery. An audit of the Rastrick Big Local account has yet to be undertaken.
There have been no further applications to the Big Impact fund.
The Space@Field Lane AGM is to be held via Zoom on Tuesday 1 September and RBL members were invited to attend.
The cafe is open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 12.00 pm until 4.00 pm, being manned temporarily by a Space employee who is a qualified chef along with local volunteers. They will shortly be advertising for a part time employee to run the café.
They have delivered a newsletter around the area and invite local businesses to advertise with them at an agreed cost.
The £25,000 funding to Space for the 2nd year is due in October and we will liaise with CFFC re the drawdown of this funding. Action: Amanda to liaise with CFFC
(a) Foodbank/Focus4Hope: RBL had a query from Focus4Hope about their funding and Danny responded accordingly. At the previous RBL meeting the partnership reviewed an application from them for additional funding but it was felt that further information was needed. Danny reported back but, to date, no further information has been forthcoming.
(b) The plan was not discussed in any detail. Anne mentioned that the additional £50,000 awarded to RBL can be used for any project and is not solely to be used for projects which may have arisen due to Covid. It will be necessary to update the LTO accordingly with information on where the monies have been spent.
(c) Local Trust have highlighted to Big Local groups the Community Wealth Fund Alliance which is a group of organisations calling for the establishment of a Community Wealth Fund to invest in “left behind” neighbourhoods. They are asking the Government to dedicate the next wave of dormant assets to this fund. Big Local groups have been invited to join this and Danny has signed up on behalf of RBL.
(d) Danny and Amanda will be attending the on-line session of the Big Local Yorkshire and Northwest Regional Cluster meeting 17th September 2020.
The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 7th October 2020 at 6.15 pm via Zoom.