Minutes 21st November 2019

Minutes 21st November 2019



Angela Peaker, Amanda Caldwell, Peter Edwards, Elliot Collins, Rich Richardson, Anne Sherriff,
Michelle Carter, Arthur Carter, Robert Thornton

Apologies:    Danny Leech, Sophie Whittaker, Robert Hustwick , Zoe Stock


The chair opened the meeting and welcomed Michelle Carter, Arthur Carter and Robert Thornton.  They are all Rastrick residents and may be interested in joining the partnership.   Apologies were noted.


Members of the partnership were re-elected at the Community update meeting on 14th November 2019.  The committee are Amanda Caldwell as Chair, Peter Edwards as Vice-Chair and Angela Peaker as Secretary/Treasurer.  Due to low attendance at the AGM it was suggested that we consider changing the AGM to a summer month.


The minutes of the meeting of 24th October 2019 were approved.

4.            LTO UPDATE

There was no representation from CFFC but a financial updated was provided.

The net funds available to date this year were £258,700

Expenditure from March 2019 to November 2019 is £186,480

Funds available are £72,220 with £69,282 committed to VYC projects

There is £45,700 still available to drawdown of the 2018-2019 budget

5.            BL REP UPDATE

Anne updated that Local Trust will be running an event entitled “Community Leadership Academy”.    Nominations are accepted until 8 January 2020.


(a)          Voice your Choice 1

To date, there has still been no further communication from Rastrick Juniors Football Club.

Voice your Choice 3

The works are still on-going at Rastrick Library.

Voice your Choice 5

The first part of the works at Rastrick Cricket Club have been completed and, weather permitting, the second part should be completed within a month.  The contract has been finalised with the cricket club.

The works are currently being undertaken at the Cromwell Bottom Nature Reserve.  The contract between Cromwell Bottom Nature Reserve and CFFC is now approved with works due to commence in November.

(b)  Community Small Grants

The small grant submitted by Rastrick Bowling Club was declined.  However Mags advised that if they should contact us further into the project we may give this further consideration.

Woodhouse Residents Association will gather further information for a traffic survey but it will be into the new year.

We are still considering  amending the criteria for Community small grants for smaller “seed funding” ideas.  Action:  Mags and Danny to look at this

(c)          Marketing

A survey was sent out via email to gain feedback on the work of RBL.  Around 90 responses were received including paper copies which were completed at the pensioners fair in early November.  We will review this at our meeting in January.   Action:  Angela to gather survey information


We are continuing to update the website with events around the Community.

(d)    Treasurers Report

The balance at the meeting on 24th October 2019 was £5004.60.  A small grant has been paid out to Arts for Brighouse for £1500 and the balance at 21st November 2019 is £3504.60.


Amanda updated new members on the Big Impact fund and the history of the Space@Field Lane.

Space and Field Lane primary have come to an agreement for a small garden plan at the Space.  They will be seeking funding for this.    Action Mags and Danny to assist Space in accessing funding.

It was agreed that a meeting should be arranged for the Big Impact and Voice your Choice sub-groups.

Mothershare and Backpack Buddies (launched in Calderdale Pilot) – partnership agreed between FLPS and commissioners at CMBC are open to partnership working agreements.

Action:  Meeting of Big Impact/Voice your Choice sub-group to be arranged

8.            ANY OTHER BUSINESS

a)            100 copies of Beyond the Foodbank  Cookbooks have been ordered.  Delivery is due shortly and copies will be given to Space@Field Lane and the Foodbank for distribution.

b)            Amanda updated that ROKT Activity Centre in Brighouse have set up a new charity, the Rokt Foundation.  They are looking at setting up some projects re climbing/confidence building.  They would like to work with another organisation to put a programme together.   Action Amanda to investigate.

c)            Danny, Amanda and Angela will be attending the Big Local event  at the Space@Field Lane on 5th December which has been organised by Rob Billson and Tony Mullen.

d)            The Xmas tree light up is on 6th December 2018 at 6.00 pm at the Co-op on Highfield Road.  In past years the tree has not been lit and it was agreed that RBL would purchase a timer. Action Peter to purchase timer.

9.            PLAN REVIEW

A draft of the new plan has been drawn up and a decision has been made to cover the full period of 5 years.   A few amendments were suggested prior to submitting the plan before the end of November.  Action:  Amanda, Angela and Anne to meet to submit new plan on-line

The new plan includes a section on legacy and it was agreed that at the next meeting we should look into this in more details.  Action: Members to suggest ideas for legacies


The date of the next meeting is 9th January 2020 at the Space@Field Lane at 6.00 pm.