Minutes 17th January 2019

Minutes 17th January 2019



Present:  Amanda Caldwell, Peter Edwards, Angela Peaker, Rich Richardson, Sophie Whittaker, Helen Thompson, Robert Hustwick

Apologies:      Danny Leech, Elliot Collins, Pauline Eastham, Mags Bryson


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.


The minutes of the meeting of 29th November 2018 were approved.

3.            LTO UPDATE

CFFC provided a financial update for the period of February 2018 to December 2018.  The expenditure is £35,110.  As £53,650 has been drawn down, this being 50% of the budget allocated, the remaining amount of £18,549 is being held by CFFC.

A payment has been made to Bradley Woods for the initial work undertaken.   Rastrick Plays Better has requested £5,500 and Robert requested a signed authorization to make this payment.

The deadline for submitting the budget for 2019/2020 has been extended to January 2019 and we are in the process of completing the narrative to accompany the budget.

The financial procedures framework is still in the amendment stage.

Action:  Amanda and Angela to finalise budget and questions/Angela to amend framework/forward authorization to CFFC for Rastrick Plays Better payment

4.            BL REP UPDATE

We are still unable to gain full access to the Big Local Community portal and Helen will look into this again.

Local Trust is in the process of looking at the role of Big Local representatives and how they can be matched with particular areas.  RBL will have a new representative around April time.  After discussion we felt that that it would be beneficial to have assistance in the areas of Community assets, timebanking, skill sharing and Community engagement.

The Big Local Connects event is on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th September in Nottingham should any members with to attend this year.

Matt Leach from Local Trust is hoping to meet with RBL on 5th April and details are yet to be finalised.


(a)          Voice your Choice 1

We have requested an update from RJFC by the end of January.

Voice your Choice 3

A request has been filed to draw down the RJFC and Friends of Rastrick Library funding.  Local Trust has requested further information on this project.  Action:  Sophie to liaise with CMBC

Voice your Choice 4

A signed authorization has been given to CFFC to process payment to Bradley Woods for the initial work undertaken.   Rastrick Plays Better has requested £5,500. CFFC have requested authorization to make this payment.  Action:  Angela to forward authorization to CFFC

Voice your Choice 5

To date we have possibly three applications for the next Voice your Choice and the projects who submitted before to the environment theme have been approached to re-submit.

(b)          Community Small Grants

Six applications were funded during the period of January to December 2018.  An application from Focus4Success is currently in process although Robert was unaware of this.  He confirmed that all applications should be sent directly to him for processing.  Action:  Angela to check with Mags re Focus4Success application.

(c)           Marketing/website:

The Xmas tree switch on event was disappointing this year with only around 20 people present.  Field Lane school were unable to attend due to staff illness and also the tree was not illuminated at times.  Discussion took place about whether we could relocate the tree in 2019.

We have looked at the possibility of holding a family event in the February school holidays.  However, Mags advised that if children were present it would be necessary to have a valid DBS along with a safeguarding policy and a risk assessment.  We decided not to progress this further at this stage.  Action:  Sophie to check out requirements.

A January to March 2019 newsletter has been prepared for distribution locally and via email.  Sophie and Amanda both have contacts should we decide to deliver to individual households in the future.


The charge for the initial consultation with 2plus1 was paid and we have informed them that we wish to take up their services for Cloud storage which is still to be progressed.  Action:   Angela to arrange meeting with 2plus1.

(d)    Treasurers Report

The balance at the meeting on 29th November 2018 was £2114.34.  After expenses paid out the balance at 17th January 2019 is £918.83.


The sub-committee will be meeting to finalise the caveat and funding process for the Space@Field Lane project.  Works went out to tender with slightly higher costs than expected received back.  Space@Field Lane have changed some of their plans slightly and the lottery has agreed to fund the difference.

Regarding the application for the foodbank, further information is still awaited.

The cricket club application was rejected in its current state.  However a meeting has been held with them to review options to progress this.

Regarding the Creative Learning Guild they have expressed a continued interest in working closely with Rastrick schools and the Community.  This still needs further discussion by the sub-committee.

7.            ANY OTHER BUSINESS

(a)          Peter mentioned that has been made aware of funding being available from the Hillards Trust.

(b)          The Rastrick Ward Forum is on Monday 21st January 2019


The date of the next meeting is 28th February 2019 at the Arncliffe Centre.

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