Minutes 23rd August 2018

Amanda Caldwell, Angela Peaker, Peter Edwards, Rich Richardson, Danny Leech, Sophie Whittaker, Helen Thompson, Pauline Eastham, Gilly Bryerley
Apologies: Elliot Collins, Mags Bryson, Robert Hustwick
The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.
The minutes of the meeting of 12th July 2018 were approved.
3. Visit by Gilly Bryerley –MD Creative Learning Guild re arts project
Danny introduced Gilly Bryerley who works for the Creative Learning Guild – previously Dean Clough Foundation. They work on creative projects on education and learning and are now focusing on areas with a purpose and on how creativity and learning can have an impact on health and wellbeing.
The Creative Learning Guild would like to apply to the Creative Civic Change programme and they have approached RBL to see if the Creative Learning Guild and RBL could work together. Local Trust is looking to support at least 10 communities across England who use the arts and creativity to make positive social change in the Community.
It was agreed that Danny and Gilly would work together to compile an expression of interest which needs to be submitted by 28th September 2018. ACTION: Danny and Gilly to work on expression of interest.
There was no financial update as the representative from CFFC was unable to attend the meeting.
Helen updated that the new plan would need to be uploaded by 1 October 2018 to obtain further funding. It was agreed that a plan review meeting was needed to discuss this further and decided on the length of time. In the meantime it was agreed that Helen would contact Local Trust to obtain an extension. ACTION: Helen to contact Local Trust for an extension.
(a) Voice your Choice
The monies for the Rastrick Juniors Football Club and Friends of Rastrick Library projects have been requested and agreed by Local Trust for when this needs to be drawn down. The Friends of Rastrick Library are now waiting for planning permissions before the work can commence.
Bradley Woods are in negotiation for an initial drawdown amount for capital expenditure. This will be only after agreement with RBL representatives and management of Bradley Woods that the expected criteria are met in the contract.
(b) Community Small Grants
At the last meeting it was agreed that we should ask CFFC to transfer the £10K budget for Community small grants to the RBL account. However, we have not yet asked for this as £2K is still remaining from the CFFC contribution.
(c) Marketing/website:
Danika is no longer on the partnership and the website is being updated by Angela. There are some minor issues with website. Angela has spoken with 2plus1 who said they could assist in sorting these issues and it was agreed that it was in order to enlist their assistance. ACTION: Angela to email 2plus1
(d) Treasurers Report
The balance at the meeting on 12th July 2018 was £2801.87. Two payments have been made since then and the balance at 23rd August is £2345.97.
The Space@Field Lane application has been reviewed by an external independent assessor and the sub-committee will be meeting shortly with trustees of Space to discuss this further.
Two further applications have been received, one being from the Central Methodist Church and Rastrick Cricket Club. The sub-committee is making sure that the Space@Field Lane process is fully complete before taking forward these two applications. ACTION: Danny to update Central Methodist Church and Rastrick Cricket Club accordingly
(a) Website storage
Danny was unable to attend the July meeting where discussion took place about GDPR and the best way forward to ensure the secure storage of data. Option 1 was to purchase two laptops. Option 2 was 2 was to pay for secure protected storage (on cloud or a protected server) with local IT support . This would give file access to all partnership members with their own username and password protected folders via a shared drive. After discussion it was agreed that Option 2 would be implemented. ACTION: Danny and Angela to meet with 2plus1
(b) CFFC – Community spirit awards at the Venue, Barkisland
Rastrick Plays Better has recently been awarded over £30K from the Suez fund. They have been nominated in the Great and Green category of the Community Foundation for Calderdale “Community Spirit Awards which is on 27th September 2018. It was suggested that RBL pay for the tickets for the volunteers of Rastrick Plays Better and this was agreed.
(c) Pauline mentioned that she had been speaking with a person recently who had mentioned the difficulties that some elderly or less able bodied people were experiencing in tending their gardens and whether RBL could assist. Whilst this was discussed it was not taken further at this time.
9. Date of next meeting: 11th October 2018